Thursday, September 20, 2007

Weekly Agenda for 9/17--9/21

Monday: Take notes on mood and foreshadowing. Complete a sequence chart for "The Cask of Amontillado."
Homework: Blog post on Question 2 due 9/19 (Wednesday) by 4 pm. Periods 2, 3: SAT List 5 3-column notes

Tuesday: Court TV activity in class. You will find the foreshadowing of events in "CoA."

Wednesday: Court TV presentations. Notes on sentences and grammar practice book. Homework: Elements of Language book, Sentence Structures- Exercises 6 and 7 on pgs. 482-484; Sentence Types (Kinds)- Exercise 20 and Chapter Review A (only A) on pgs. 435-437. Due on Monday 9/24. Test on sentences and clauses next week.

Thursday: Media Center Orientation. Periods 2, 3: Test on SAT List 5 tomorrow; 3-column notes due. Study!

Friday: Begin pre-writing for Revenge Essay. Start Writing Portfolios. Periods 2, 3: Test on SAT List 5 words.


arodriguez2 said...

yo, where are the sat word list??

Mrs. Capelle said...

First, don't address your teacher as "yo" because that's disrespectful. Second, you will need to scroll down to the right-hand side where the Blog Archive is to see previous posts (such as the SAT List 5). The SAT List 5 was also emailed to you.