Sunday, September 2, 2007

WEEK IN REVIEW for August 27-August 31

Monday: We took the SRI test in the media center. If you were absent, you will need to go to the media center and complete the SRI test.

Tuesday: We completed an Anticipation Guide for "The Most Dangerous Game" and we received the vocabulary words for that story. Honors (periods 2 and 3) took the test for SAT list 1 words and received SAT word list 2. We began reading "The Most Dangerous Game."

Wednesday: 9th grade meetings in the auditorium.

Thursday: We finished reading "The Most Dangerous Game" and discussed characterization. You learned the four clues authors often leave about characters (what the character looks like, says, does, and what other characters say about him/her). We also discussed the terms protagonist, antagonist, static characters and dynamic characters.

Friday: Honors took the test for SAT list 2 and received SAT word list 3. From here on out you will have the whole week to study the words. We reviewed the answers to the homework. We also finished the characterization charts and began sharing answers.

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